Oil & Gas

Cost Efficient Oil & Gas Services

DCM has extensive experience in oil & gas construction, maintenance, and shutdown projects. In recent years, DCM has provided mechanical, piping, electrical and instrumentation services on more than 50 oil & gas projects in Fort McMurray, Edmonton, Montreal, Saint-John and elsewhere.

  • DCM undertakes projects entailing many aspects of the oil sands process: primary and secondary upgrading units, sulfur units, diluents recovery units, and tank farms.
  • DCM demonstrates success in construction projects in greenfield and brownfield site conditions and involving tailings hydrotransport, delay coker units, gas recovery units, hydrotreating units, butane treating units, heat tracing, etc.
  • DCM executes numerous gas projects with scopes entailing the construction and modernization of facilities such as natural gas compression and liquefaction stations as well as pipelines.
  • DCM designs and pre-fabricates e-houses to increase the capacity and the reliability of gas distribution networks, installs specialty stainless steel process piping, boil-off gas (BOG) recovery units, booster pumps, or builds new pipeline networks.
  • Every year, DCM gains more experience in maintenance and shutdowns projects for high-end oil sands facilities.

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